Minitour Bilbao

 Azaroaren 14. eta 21. egunetan San José Carmelitas eskolako D.B.H.-ko 1.A eta 1.B-ko ikasleak Bilbora joan ginen txango batean. 

Hor heltzeko, Renfe trenez bidaiatu ginen.
Udaletxera heldu ginen eta bisita gidatu bikain bat egin genuen hartatik. Udaletxearen historia azaldu ziguten, bere jatorriatik bere gaur egungo erabileretara. Liburuxka bat eman ziguten, harreran lortu ahal dena, urteetan zehar egindako aldaketa guztiak eta bere historia irakasten duena.

Hori eta gero, San Mamés-era joan ginen tranbiaz eta hor hartu genuen hamaiketakoa. Athletic Club de Bilbao-ren denda ofiziala ikusten utzi ziguten eta hor inguruan jolastu genuen.
Ondoren, EITB-ra joan ginen. Han, telebista eta irratia nola funtzionatzen duten erakutsi ziguten. Zuzeneko irrati-programa batean egon ginen, zeinetan zaila izan zen barre ez egitea.
Eraikinean sartzeko, bi taldetan zatitu gintuzten; bat EITB-n zegoen bitartean, bestea Misericordia parkera joan zen.
Azkenean, trenez itzuli ginen Santurtzira, eta hona heldu ginen 14:15-tan gutxi gorabehera.

On 14th and 21st November students of 1st A and 1st B of ESO from San José Carmelitas School went on a trip to Bilbao. To arrive there, we travelled by Renfe local train.
We arrived at the Town Hall and made an excellent guide tour of it. They explained the history, from its origins to its use today. They gave us a booklet that can be taken at the reception, which explains the Hall´s history and all the changes made over the years.
After that, we went to San Mamés by trolley bus and there we had a snack. They let us see the Athletic Club de Bilbao official shop ; and we were playing around there .
Then we went to the EITB where they taught us how television and radio work. We were at an on alive radio programme, where it was hard not to laugh.
To get into the building, we were divided into two groups; while one was inside the EITB, the other walked through Misericordia Park.
Finally, we went back to Santurtzi by train again, and arrived there at about 2:15 pm.
Bilbao Minitour

Alazne Ferreira y Ekaitz Rodríguez (1ºA ESO) y Ander Íñiguez y Aimar López (1ºB ESO)