Meeting Sherlock Holmes

Azken ostiralean, Urtarrilaren 12an, Zuzunegi Institutura joan ginen Sherlock Holmes antzerkira. [:]Antzerkia ingelesez zen eta han Sherlock Holmes-ek ikertu behar du Mary Smith-en kasua.

Oso interesegarria zen, aktoreek 3 abesti abestu zituzten eta izugarri gustatu zitzaigun nahiz eta hizkuntz maila altua izan.

Joan ziren ikasle pare batek hauxe kontatzen digu ingelesez:

“Last Friday,  12 th January, Primary 5 and 6, and ESO 1 and 2 went to Zunzunegui High School. We saw the play “Sherlock Holmes”; it was amazing! The actors also sang 3 songs and we liked the show a lot.

The play starts with a nervous Jeremy Smith (a famous crime writer). He is scared because the “Spanish mafia” wants to catch him. One day, Mary Smith (Jeremy´s daughter) went to Holmes and Watson´s office. She said her dad was in danger because he has information about the Spanish mafia in London. After finding some clues, Sherlock Holmes solved the case of Mary Smith.

We think the play was very interesting; but some dialogues were a bit difficult to follow…”

By Iñigo Aguirre, Nahia Martín and Aitor Martínez, ESO 1B